Earlier this year it ran the worst government ‘consultation’ in Manx
history before confirming vacuous pro-life freaks with double digit IQs will
dictate all care of the terminally ill. Which is exactly what the faith-addled pro-life
freak posing as a health minister and his hand-picked faith-addled pro-life
advisors always intended to do anyway.
It is now letting loose possibly the least-informed bunch of
amateur prodnoses ever to register as a Manx charity (quite an achievement,
given the sheer range of superstitious dullards and bored rich parasites already
causing misery and chaos amongst the local dispossessed) to provide “open
access, support and advice services for addictions.”
See http://www.gov.im/lib/news/health/departmentofheal53.xml
and try not to burst out laughing.
There is some small compensation in knowing that this will
be a complete waste of time. For example, the Department of Hopeless Affairs
solemnly assured us not so long ago that the island does not have anywhere near
the drug problems all the ESPAD surveys they underwrote said we have. For
another, once you plod your way through the details of an expensive survey a
few years ago which was supposed to save the AAS’s funding you discover that,
actually, the survey of young people, well….wasn’t…. because the academics
running it couldn’t find any young people. So they asked eight or ten random
older bods instead and then just converted the whole thing into percentages
which figured in scary press releases, which were dutifully run by a compliant
press who simply never bothered to read the research.
To their credit, as they had to get it published in an
academic journal to build up their own claim to be proper academics, the
researchers did admit this. True, they only said it in a publication which the
government though was only available at huge cost to academic institutions, but
anyone (well, me) determined to track it down can find it for free. So, when
government ‘experts’ claim to know about drinking patterns amongst the young (or
indeed any age group or sub-sector of Manx society) I can just snigger with
impunity, because unlike them I’ve actually read the evidence they commissioned.
The dumbest thing is that, way before the latest troupe of
clowns gained control of the Sick Department, we even had a perfectly adequate facility
for dealing with alcoholics and some professionally qualified staff to run it.
But rather than pay the going NHS rate for staff, the government left it empty
for a year or two. Now they are handing money to a bunch of quacks without so
much as a science GCSE between them, who are busily trolling local churches for
even more clueless volunteers to do the actual counselling.
Please laugh loudly, and often, and then treat yourself to a
drink…or possibly two. Considering how much we’re paying to keep these chumps
in pointless employment I think we’ve all earned it.