Saturday 24 January 2009

More biblebashers going bad

What is it about godbothering pensioners and their attitude to the law?
Back in December I highlighted the case of an old cow who cut up rough when traffic police stopped her racing to church (see When biblebashers go bad on 17th December).
Now there’s an even funnier case – though potentially more serious. Again not on line, possibly again to spare the pious fossil’s blushes, so here’s a quick precis:
85 year old dear overdoes the wine at Sunday lunch, then decides she just must drive to church. Police are alerted to a car being driven erratically through Port Erin, and arrive to find said car has mounted the pavement by the local RC church and hit the wall. The visibly disorientated driver has to be taken 20 odd miles to Douglas (being a Sunday all other police stations are shut) and when eventually tested is way over the drink-driving limit.
In court her brief tries everything, from rounding up the congregation as character references to accusing the police of being less than Cary Grant with the geriatric gin-guzzler. The judge is also told she’s indispensable at church, where she launders the fancy dress costumes.
Does make you wonder, doesn’t it?
Fellow godbotherers who’ll act as character references, and priests with all expenses paid cars being waited on hand and foot. Obviously not that ‘indispensable’ if none of them could offer her a lift. With a £400 fine and 12 month driving ban, let’s see if they pitch in now she really has problems.
The funny thing is, the police are proudly saying how the Christmas drink driving figures are down thanks to their prominent campaigning (see Every teenager and single parent from a sink estate who’s been random checked in recent months should now say ‘get off my back and stop a few biblebashers instead before they kill someone’.
Sadly, while death in the shape of godbothering grannies is now kept off the roads, the other subject area of my December posting isn’t improving.
For example, a Chelsea tractor parked on the pavement outside a Douglas religious establishment twice daily on Sundays which necessitates anyone (e.g. mums with prams or the disabled) having to step into the centre of a busy narrow road to pass. One pensioner was about to report it, only for a young mum to tell him not to bother.
Seems she’d almost been ploughed down a few times by the same vehicle in the prison car park while visiting, and finally reported it through the advised official channels – i.e. the senior prison officer then doubling up as acting prison governor.
Guess who the reckless driver was?
Knowing how admired he is in senior police circles – especially amongst fellow members of Christian police groups – what are the chances he will be told to park his car legally this side of an ‘unavoidable’ fatal traffic accident?

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