Friday 20 March 2009

Another day, another Christian attack on Africans

I’ve blogged here before about the damage done to East Europe and the developing world because the island lacks a proper charity register and doesn’t want to think about Overseas Aid as anything except an extension of the execrable 'Freedom to Fester'.
It sickened me to see a further example in the press recently, when there was a proud announcement of more ‘charitable activity’ in Romania. Sadly yet again Manx people collaborated with neo-fascists, in this case actually managing to work with politicians from an organisation descended from the old Iron Guard, i.e. the Romanian arm of World War Two German nazism. I hope it was unknowing collaboration, but where there are links to US evangelicals, I’ve now given up believing any Manx faith group is entirely innocent.
Links between Manx ‘charities’ and US evangelicals is another gripe of mine, and an excellent US organisation (Political Research Associates) which tracks the US right has more on the kind of ‘family values’ Christian groups to which much Manx aid to Uganda is (again, I’m trying hard to hope they’re just deluded halfwits) 'innocently' linked.
Earlier this month a three day conference of Christian fundie bampots called the Family Life Network actually tried to get Ugandan politicians interested in hunting down and imprisoning Ugandan gays and lesbians. One of the key speakers was Scott Lively, co-founder of Watchmen on the Walls (listed as a hate group by Southern Poverty Law Centre, the leading US authority on neo-nazism and similar phenomena).
Lively is, frankly, a certifiable lunatic. In The Pink Swastika he quite seriously said “the Nazi Party was entirely controlled by militaristic male homosexuals throughout its short history.”
In short, he is barking. He is also politically well connected and, like most fundies, seems to see Africa and ‘charitable activity’ as a way to line his pockets for decades to come.
You can read more at, and for a very different view of Christian ‘charity’ in Africa to the one you’ll see in the Examiner I highly recommend and the work of a Nigerian humanist I am proud to call a friend, Leo Igwe, a good example of which can be found at

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