Tuesday 12 October 2010

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani - fascist rug-butting scum get even nastier

The ongoing saga of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the Iranian woman facing death by means which may or may not now involve stoning, has taken yet another nasty turn.
Her son, Sajjad Ghaderzadeh, and lawyer, Houtan Kian, were arrested along with a German journalist and photographer in Tabriz on 10 October 2010 at 1900 hours local time.
The security forces raided the lawyer’s office where an interview was taking place and arrested all four, and the four have not returned home or to their hotels since. Their whereabouts are currently unknown and no news has been received of their situation since the arrests.
While the Islamic regime has now confirmed the arrest of the two journalists, it continues to remain silent about her lawyer and son. But we can be sure four people were snatched as, ironically, one of the journalists was on the phone speaking with Mina Ahadi, Spokesperson of ICAS ( International Committee against Stoning and International Committee against Execution) when the Iranian plod burst into the lawyer’s office.
To sign a petition protesting this latest atrocity by rug-butting fascist scum, go to http://stopstonningnow.com/wpress/4155 , sign with your name and then add your profession, organisation name (if signing on behalf of a group) and location in the comments section.

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